
Innovate for Children?

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How we should do to innovate for Children?

The Programme’s key objective is to support improvements to the quality of services so that children who need help from the social care system have better chances in life. The 7 Programme also seeks to help LAs and other commissioners to get better value for public money spent to support vulnerable children. Finally the Programme seeks to create conditions in which local systems are better able to innovate in future to drive sustained improvements in outcomes for vulnerable children. We will do this through: • supporting individual pilots and change programmes which test or spread much more effective ways of supporting vulnerable children; and • developing stronger incentives and mechanisms for and understanding of innovation, experimentation and spreading of successful new approaches. This is a two year programme of support from 2014-16, supported by £30m in the first financial year and a substantially larger sum in the second. The Programme will be jointly delivered by the team at DfE and a delivery partner who will bring a strong track record of supporting innovation and detailed knowledge of social care services.
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